It's Mat's birthday today so I doubled this recipe and made him a dozen of these muffins to take to work today and made him oatmeal cookies too. I just picture him at his desk smiling to himself while he eats the goodies and it makes these muffins and the cookies so much sweeter. It really is the little things in life.
Makes about 14 muffins
Dry Ingredients
3/4 c sugar
1 1/2 c all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Wet Ingredients
1/2 c sour cream
1/2 c canola oil
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 ripe bananas mashedDirections
Mix dry ingredients
Mix wet ingredients except bananas
Combine dry and wet ingredients together
Add bananas
Put muffin papers in a muffin tin and scoop batter into them (I always use this ice cream scoop for tasks like this)
Bake at 350 degree F for 20 minutes or lightly golden on the top
I had the perfect ripe bananas to use for this recipe. They were tender and speckled with brown spots.

Did you know you can replace sour cream for plain yogurt in baking recipes? I have done it countless times and have never noticed a difference in the end result. I always have non-fat plain yogurt in the fridge but rarely have sour cream so this is just a convenient swap for me.

I quickly mashed the ripe bananas with a fork before adding it to the batter.

The key to making good banana bread is NOT to overmix because it will ruin the texture of your bread. You want the bread to be light and fluffy not dense and deflated. I used my Kitchenaid mixer with a paddle attachment to combine the wet and dry ingredients barely together and then used a big rubber spatula to fold the batter a little more and then fold the bananas into it. There are a lot of youtube videos on how to fold batter if you don't know the technique.

I like making banana bread as muffins instead of a big loaf because it helps me to monitor how much I eat!

Hi Monica - Nei Nei left some super duper riped bananas at my house this weekend. I decided to use them and made your banana bread muffins recipe. They turned out pretty good! I didn't have plain yogurt or sour cream, so I used whatever was in my fridge, blackbery yogurt. Couldn't tell a different or any blackberry flavor. Txs for sharing! K
i remember that she did that! i'm glad that still turned out well with the blackberry yogurt! =)
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