Pizza base
Extra goodies for flavor
Freshly grated Fontina
Fresh mozzarella
Fresh herbs/greens
Fresh basil
Fresh thyme
Fresh arugula

I almost forgot to mention that I had the tomatoes and garlic roasting in the two ovens while Mat was helping me to caramelize the onions. Our house smelled divine as my brother in law and his girlfriend joined us.

I also made a garlic, red pepper infused olive oil to brush on the pizza dough before putting the toppings on it. The olive oil creates a nice golden color on the crust of the pizza dough when it bakes.
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
Sprinkle of crushed red pepper
Add olive oil, garlic cloves, and crushed red pepper in a small sauce pan. Simmer on low for 10 minutes 'til the garlic lightly browns. Do not burn the garlic.
I am posting part 3 tomorrow so stay tuned!
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