Did you ever wonder how to get the seeds out of pomegranates? Ummm....probably not but my husband showed me recently and I am going to share with you anyway. This may be completely useless info for you but the way to de-seed a pomegranate is to cut it in half and take the seeds out under water! Just tear away at the skin so you can see the seeds and use your thumb. The motion is very similar to taking off the corn kernels from the cob. I like to rub my thumb against the pomegranate seeds and they fall out from the membrane. Happy Friday!

That is so funny, my bf JUST showed me this exact trick! It must be a guy thing...even my MOM didn't know this trick :) And it's so useful, since pomegranate seeds are so delicious! :)
yeah i didn't know either!! my husband had to show me. makes it a lot easier to eat a pomegranate for sure!
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